Free to Bee previously Tame your Mind

Frequently asked questions

If you have a question about life coaching not answered below feel free to reach out and ask your question.

What is the purpose of life coaching?

Life coaching is all about overcoming both real and perceived barriers that limit your ability to achieve your goals.  Our life coaching has a focus on emotional resilience.  This is because emotions can have both a positive and a negative influence on goal achievement. Positive emotions lift us and promote goal achievement, whilst negative emotions can limit us and stop us reaching our potential.  Emotions have an enormous influence and impact on our lives.
We aims to empower our clients to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life by increasing their emotional resilience to life's struggles.  Life coaching provides a supportive space to explore challenges, develop strategies to manage emotions effectively and build the inner strength to overcome obstacles.  By working with a life coach who has a focus on emotional resilience you'll gain the tools and confidence to navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease.

If you're ready to make a change, book a free consultation or fill out the enquiry form today to learn more about how we can support you move forward in life - ideally to thrive.

Do life coaches really work with emotions?

Yes, life coaches do traditionally work with emotions to some degree. While the specific focus can vary depending on the coach's specialty, emotions are often a key element in achieving a client's goals.
Here's why:

  • Emotions drive behavior:  Our feelings significantly impact our actions and decisions. By understanding and managing emotions, clients can make more deliberate choices aligned with their goals.  In other words they can respond instead of react to inevitable obstacles they encounter.

  • Emotions impact goal achievement:  Fear, frustration or overwhelm can limit progress. Life coaches help clients identify emotional barriers and develop strategies to navigate them.

  • Emotions influence self-belief: Negative emotions can lead to self-doubt and affect motivation. Life coaches can help clients build emotional resilience and cultivate positive self-talk so that they are better prepared for challenges.

However, the depth to which a life coach works with emotions can differ. Some focus on general emotional awareness and management, while others specialise in helping clients address specific challenges like anxiety or anger.

What happens at the consultation?

In our consultation, we'll work together to: 
1. Give you an opportunity to teach me more about the issue and how it affects you to give me insight into what your struggles are
2. Make a plan that works for you. The plan needs to meet your level of commitment to change, availability, beliefs and budget.
3. If appropriate book a date to get started with your unique life coaching plan to assist you to meet your goals.

What happens in a session?

Each session is dedicated to the particular issue the client is facing at the time.  I do not plan a standard session, they are unique and dedicated to the clients needs.
Having said that I will always cover values in the first session as they are key to understanding yourself and your emotions.
A session begins with an update on the previous session - if applicable and identifying the goal for the given session.  We then work consistently to resolving that particular facet of the overall problem.  Strategies and or an action plan may be developed, tools and techniques to manage emotions and challenges may be shared, support and encouragement will be given.  With your consent we may use visualisation on occasions where appropriate.

Do you work with children?

Yes, children are also affected by their emotions.  By empowering children to manage their emotions they are more prepared for the inevitable challenges of adolescence and adulthood.

How much does it cost?

Our sessions are longer than the usual which our clients appreciate. 
Adult sessions are two hours and children one hour.  Teens are somewhere in between.  Believe me the time goes by very quickly!
The cost of a session is:
$199 for adults,
$150 for under 20's and
$99 for children under 13 years of age.

Do I join online or in person?

You may either come to my studio in Hamilton or work with me online.  I find them both to be as effective as each other.  To work with me online you will need a good internet connection and be willing to have your camera on so we can see each other.

I use Telehealth for online sessions which is encrypted and secure.  No software is needed to be downloaded by the client - they just click the link provided to join.

Please Note:

Free to Bee is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals. 
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated medical or mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.