Free to Bee previously Tame your Mind

Feel lighter, happier and healthier - naturally!

"I can now respond instead of reacting all the time"

Our client's are our priority. 
Our mission is to help our clients live with peace and happiness in their heart, body and mind through increasing emotional resilience.

It's easy to connect with us!

At Free to Bee® we recognise that each person is unique, that's why we offer emotion focused
life coaching to help people understand and manage their emotions for greater success and well-being.

Have you ever wished you could manage your emotions in a more resourceful way?  Do you understand your emotions?

Working with a life coach who specialises in the emotional aspect of life's challenges may help you to increase your emotional resilience so that you can bounce back more quickly from the inevitable challenges you face in life .

Debbie can give you more information if you'd like it.

Our Clients

Are your emotions running the show?
Do they hijack your focus, fuel overwhelm, and limit your ability to achieve your goals? At Free to Bee®, we understand your emotions could be a significant barrier to your success.

 We specialise in helping clients understand their emotions and build emotional resilience and
we support them as they navigate the inevitable challenges life delivers.

Being able to manage yourself emotionally really does unlock your power to achieve goals
and ideally live a truly fulfilling life.

Our Life Coaching clients have generally struggled with:

-Difficulty coping with stress and pressure

-Feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions (eg anger, sadness, anxiety)

-Struggling to bounce back from setbacks and failures

-Difficulty accepting change and transitions (eg job change, moving)

-Holding onto grudges and resentment

-Difficulty letting go of past hurts (eg loss of a loved one, relationship breakdown)

-Difficulty adjusting to life events (eg retirement, illness)

-Low self-esteem and confidence

-Difficulty making decisions

-Fear of failure and stepping outside of comfort zone

-Difficulty setting healthy boundaries

-People-pleasing tendencies

-Difficulty expressing needs and emotions positively

-Struggling with forgiveness (of self and others)

-Feeling helpless and hopeless

-Difficulty maintaining motivation

-Struggling with self-compassion

-Difficulty managing conflict

-Tendency to social isolation and withdrawal

-Difficulty managing physical symptoms caused by stress (eg headaches, IBS, fatigue, emotional outbursts, excessive eating, excessive drinking)

Our services are diverse,
we also offer:

Tomatis® Method

An at home music based auditory and sensory brain training system that may improve well-being by increasing emotional resilience, attention, focus, ability to communicate and creativity.  It also aims to reduce overwhelm, anxiety, impulsivity, burnout, stress, post concussion syndrome, poor sleep and much more ...


The style of hypnotherapy used at Free to Bee® is visualisation in the form of regression or inner child healing.

By looking back to the past with kindness and without judgment we can learn how the past reflects into our present and future and begin to understand ourselves holistically.

Energy Healing

For those who are open to the concept that emotions, beliefs and imbalances in the body have an energetic component or vibration.  This weight or vibration can be released, via Emotion Code®, Body Code® and Belief Code® freeing the body and mind from their energy.  This is a form of energy work that can improve overall well-being.

Work with Debbie to increase emotional resilience

Debbie's mission is to empower her clients to find peace and happiness in their heart, body and mind through increasing emotional resilience, ideally
to improve overall well-being.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are you ready for change?

Get in touch with us today to find out more?

Fill out a Form to
Contact Debbie

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Please Note:

Free to Bee® is not a Medical or Mental Health Agency or Service. 
We are not trained medical or mental health professionals. 
Our training is to help clients move beyond life challenges that they believe are holding them back. 
While our services this may contribute to increasing a person's overall emotional resilience, it is not a replacement for dedicated medical or mental health help, support, diagnosis or advice.
If you are looking for a mental health service please click the link below for a list of agencies providing assistance.